Meh first Blogger..... bloggie..... bloggery..... blar!

Mmmk... So I see people a blogging and all that shnaz, and I felt a lil left out, so here I be.... am.... are.... yeah, thats right. Ok, so for my first post.... posty.... poster... I am going to.... psh, like I am really full of energy to think at this moment. Didn't get much sleep lastnight, stayed up kind of late last night watching TV and whatnot, so all and all to say, I slept four hours. You think thats a lot huh peoplez out there eh? Well, I went to bed at four, so no, it's not a lot. So basically I was ready for a nap before I even got to church. Okays..... Me me me me me. I must think about me? Nah, I will think of something else... er... this is hard, I don't know how you all do it. I had this whole thing in my head, but I think it went on a vacation. He he.
Ok, so I will speak a lil' for ya'll. I have been.... iffy. Ready to jump out of a plane and go belly up just to have the thrill to only see the sky and have nothing to do with the ground. I have been thinking, and I know, Sarah shouldn't think, thats bad for her, on many occasions it got me introuble. Like at school, I was being a smartass and said some things to my moronic art teacher. I didn't get in trouble because she is too slow to react. Gosh! I don't like her, at all. She has her favoritism in the class, and it really pisses me off. When she walks by I imagine someone tripping her. Evil huh? Atleast I am not imagening somehow going up to her, slapping her, and saying "Can't you be the cool teacher just once!?" Well, now I can imagin it. Bad Sarah, haha, hehe, I think it for it is there for I amizidid. Yar! My words have a special touch, don't you think? I think so, they really are somethin'. Ok, so now I am going to go on im my mind, and type whatever is there.
So I stand here, in front of those people, their eyes questioning my very thoughts, forging my feelings to erupt in chaos. Chaos, the theory in life. Havic, the birth of Chaos. We do not know what we cannot see, we cannot see what we do not know, we do not know what is there because we are ignorant to the belief that it is there. Sense? Is it there? In these words that flow out of the keyboard? Whoever said you had to make sense to go far in life is an idiot to their own well being. I can walk a road, dark and lonely, shadows casting things that are invisible to the mortal eye. Yet they are there, I do see them, I do indeed. I see it there, infront of my, crouching, waiting, hiding, pondering, planning. ATTACK! Blind, thats what we are blind to the fact it's there. I turn suddenly to those bushes, those bushes that try to hide the beast that is not there, that can not be heared, seen or felt because it has no existance. This walk, what was supposed to calm me down, has brought my heart to an undieing beat of constant out of rhythem flow. Calm, calm. There, there. It's fine, allright, allright, no, no...... Poof! Running, sprinting, loss of all grace in my movement. I turn around to see my imagination get too carried away. Ground... rhythem, fumble, all good, but no touch down. Wait, no touch down. Touch.... down.... ground? there is no ground? Is it gone? No... can't be. I didn't! I did! A cliff. I went over the cliff. not fare, its not fare! I'm falling, falling in complete termoil. The air, once light and feathery upon my face has turned into thorns. Piercing my skin. Burning at my flesh. not at all, not at all. Can't. There is no control. I am at a loss, I am falling and I can't bring myself to grab hold of the thorned air! The thorns, they turn into dust, into feather, in my hand. Falling, falling, Termoil. Abyss. I cannot breath, for I do not exist. I cannot feel the impact on the ground, for I cannot feel. I cannot cry, for there are not feelings to have been felt.
Away with me.
I am the ground, the earth, the sea, the air! Breath me in, for you have a whole life time to fully take me in. I am complex, too much for one to take in all at once. Slow down, slowly take me in. There is no rush. I am a story that needs to be told, but not so soon. It can wait. Just..... inhale.... exhail, take in only a little, understand me, don't rush the thought.
Don't rush the thoughts...
BAM! How was that? I'm good, lol. I know it. I give myself too much credit huh? Ok, I am done with this FIRST, I remind you, post.
~peace out~
lol, I miss all the bugging. Jeremiah is being a crappy older brother at the moment, not doing his job. And Chris, well, he isn't around to do his part, but he does live far off in the land of oz, so thats a good excuse.
I love my misc. thoughts, they get my brain all thinking. Spiritual realm eh? Well... I wouldn't have thought of it that way, but I can see that fitting.
But it's true! People don't slow down, they want to rush things so they can be done with it. But in order to understand something... people need to take their time... rush rush rush! All in a rush! Where is the slow down and taking their time? No where, thats where.
Yeah I know! I love being 16, but I am going to absolutely looooovee being 17, it's my new favorite nuumber yeh know. Haha! Out of school, that would be nice, only to go back to school for whatever I plan on doing as a career. Not quite sure about what I want to do, and at the moment, no ideas are at mind.
Yep yep eh.
cya laterz
Eric! My shortest brother from another mother! Haha. It has been a while hasen't it? I have been wondering how you are doing, I usually say"How iz duh cracka in Kansaz doinz dawg!?" Well, not EXACTLY put like that, but close enough yeh know eh? I am thinking about getting aim, at the moment all I have is msn, and so many other people have aim so maybe I should get it. I knows,huh? I am 16, it's crazy business yeh know? I feel a little bitter older and maturer, the wiser part is taking a leave for a while. Haha, So right now, I am a curzy persen eh's, curzy as the day I was born.
Shway 8)
Oh, I forgots to say, yeah you should swing by! Like old times eh, that would be nice. Indeed indeed indeed! Wouldn't mind punking on you while I am still young, haha.
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