
Well, all is well for the time being. I am very upset that youth is being closed until January, apperently this is so so the youth can spend more time with their families for the holidays. Youth is the highlight of my week, now what am I supposed to do? Well, I have been playing the first halo (Been a while so I am a little rusty, but I must say I am freaking good, haha) Well, I can say, I am realy good compared to my dad, Jeremiah, George, and Georges family. Whahaha! Ok, so I am a gamer type of person. But what I really want to get is the new fallout. Or atleast one of the fallouts. I beat the first one a dozen times over and am anxious to see the new... er.... later ones. I will have to look in on that. A lot of my friends don't even know what fallout is! Can you believe that!? Oh the torture, allmost had a hard attack when they said they didn't know what I was talking about, almost did anyways.
My english teacher had been out for a couple of weeks, so yesterday when I went in the class during lunch (I have her right after lunch) well I went there with three of my friends so two of them could drop off their stuff. I personally like to keep my backpack with me wherever I am, so I didn't want to drop it off yesterday. Well, my friend Lyn was nagging me to put down my stuff and I would, she got me so frustrated I said "I am not going to put my crap down!" Thats when I got in trouble. You see, your not allowed to say crap or sucks in that class, not even if it is only lunch. So I spend my lunch, part of my biology class and twenty minutes at home writing up "I will not say crap in Miss Mccauleys class" a hundred times. Too me a total of probably 50 minutes to write it. So tomarrow I will have to turn it in. I find that very humerious indeed. Ok, my head is rolling and my fever feels like it went up ten degrees so I am going to go and try to catch some shut eye.
I know, those are my two most common words, tisk tisk. Ugh, but it got worse over night, my sickness that is. Had to go to school today to catch up on some work, luckily it was a half day. But gosh! I thought I was going to collapse on the way to second hour! I would have gone to the nurses office but no one was home to come and pick me up so there was no point. People kept telling me I looked awful, that really made my day. haha.
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