Broken Sea Glass

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Thats what I would call a bummer

Well, at this moment I have slipped away into my state of.... unheroic feelings. Meaning, I am depressed yet again. Of what may you ask? Well, I do not know at this time, maybe later on my invisible shrink can let me know. But for now, I am stuck in this... sunken mood, looking for some happyness in the lights the tree holds, the memories it carries. Hopeing to find some laughs I had earlier, and maybe some waiting for tomarrow. But decorating the christmas tree this year brought me no jo after 5 seconds. I had my silly moment and made little wise cracks, but it all soon faded. Faded with the light the dineing room had once obtained. I found a new bruise on my right knee. I allways find these small bruises on my knee's, but I can't think of them ever occuring from events. I do have a sall bruise on the palm of my left hand, just below the pinky. But I recieved that one from lifting the computer desk, which is far beyond both mine and Georges strength. And man does it hurt. Oh, and earlier today I stubbed my left big toe on some tile that has slightly elevated from the floor. And I am going to tell you what I did when I found out it was bleeding from inside. Internal bleeding... temporary internal bleeding that is. Well, I don't like the thought of the whole "internal" bleeding, so I cut it open. Haha. You guys are probably like, "Sarah, you sick freak. I didn't want to know that!" Well, too late, you read it, and now know it. lol, but now my toe hurts. So lemme see here.... my hand, knee, toe, and feelings are all hurting, thats allways makes for a good day.
I saw the march of the penguins today. I will go all honest on this one, I thought it was kind of cute how the penguins met up and all, but after that..... ehh... a really boreing movie. I am not one to fall asleep dureing movies, so I stuck through. Psh, didn't really care at all for the movie, and will die if someone tries to make me watch it again. I allso saw the Manchurian Candidate again, second time seeing it but it has been a while. I don't like Mr. Washingtons charactor in the movie, takes away what strength he has. But over all I like it. I wanted to see it again because a book I am currently reading, False Memory, by Dean Koontz, has events based off of the this movie (Er... actually based off the book that the movie is based off of) Haven't finished the book, but it is interesting, dealing with a couple trying to run away from a profesor of theirs that put them under a mind conrol substance so they are able to be accessed for controling anywhere. some people nag on me for reading a book such as that, with the whole taking over of the mind, but I don't see a problem with it. Well, sure it's bad, but when the people are running and are trying to find a away to send the guy to prison for all the bad deeds he has commited with this power he has obtained, then I will read the book. So when people are fighting back, well yeah I will read it.
Ok, so talking has made me feel sooooo much better. I better go now eh's. I will explain more about the book in a later post, but right now my contacts are killing me and I must rid them from my eyes.
~Peace Out~


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