Broken Sea Glass

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


You all have heard the chitchat about myspace, the "unsafe" site for all ages. I personally don't have a myspace, because so many people have one I don't want one. at school my friends bug me to get a myspace and I tell them its because so many people have it that I wont get one, I go against the crowd you all know. Going upstream, thats what I do. Well, A few friends of mine in church and everywhere else told me to atleast check out their myspace. So, today I did because I trust that they would be somewhat like me and go against the current. Which means, not posting anything they know they shouldn't be posting. So I glance about and find their myspaces, and thats when I was nearly blinded because my eyes opened so wide. I tell you what, there is some seriously sick issues in their head, and I plan on telling them. Ugh, never again folks. I know myspace is a bad terretory to cross, and there I dun and did it. I guess friends do have their multipersonality trades. Kind of creepy, and I am ready to poke some sence into them. I know we're not all perfect but come one, what their saying is practically asking for people to come in and chat like pervs, act like pervs. So I will close this entry and go to bed, I am planning on eating healthy and excersizing close to daily starting tomarrow, I allready have this brushing TWICE a day thing down and flossing once a day. So I gots it all. Should really run.


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