Early birds always almost never gets the worm.
So, its around 7:18ish, got ready for school, now just waiting to leave around 7:40ish. I get at school like three minutes before the bell rings, which gives me time to get to the portables across campus, atleast half way there anyhow. Well, while I wait for my time to leave I figured I would talk and talk. Ramble on like an idiot, Arg, only my stomach is killing me. Testing my very paitents with hurling over reactions. Arg, for the past two days I have been sick as a dog but still have gone to school. Had many quizes, ok, only one a day. But I don't want to waist my precious lunch time taking quizes to make up for lost time. Lunch is ment for social hour and food. Even though I don't eat lunch... Yeah. Today is a half day, so I guess I get out around 11:30ish, at McClintock you don't even have lunch on half days, well we do, thank God. It takes away time from all my other classes, thats why I am so happy about it. Um... Things are going good, miht have a ride home from school now, this girl in my class, I guess we are friends, well she see's me walking home all the time. I guess she takes a lot of people home so her mom wont have a problem taking me home awell. Which is sweet, I thought about saying no thanks but this could mean making more friends. Thats kind of my new years resolution, making as many good friends as possable. So far I don't have any bad apples in my clan of people. Actually, I am the cleanest one out of all of them. I guess that makes me a little safer to be with because I keep everyone out of trouble. Even though one girl has parties all the time, and practically gets drunk every weekend.... I love her anyway. lol, not love, more like like her anyway. She is a good friend. Anyway, I shoudl go so I can blow my nose and learn how to breath before going outside.
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