Broken Sea Glass

Monday, January 02, 2006

Aww, how sad

Well, I am back in Arizona again, unfortiently. I was having fun in Kansas with my bro, but I guess good times don't always happen every day. I got to watch a lot of movies I have been wanting to see with Chris, which is freakin' awsome because he doesn't talk dureing movies. I am one of those people that want to hurt everyone that starts to talk durieng movies or ask questions about the movie when they can just watch it and the answer is right there is they would just shush. Well, Chris got me a IPod Nano, it friggin kicks butt. I have been spending all my time downloading songs into it, but I am having soem problems here and there, but I will get over it, haha. I wish I didn't have to leave Kansas, hanging with Chris was awsome and seeing people I met or ran into last time I visited was fun aswell. I got to play some Halo with addicts, I did ok, but having all shotgun or granade launchers was a little nuts. Took a few deaths for me to get the feel of one shot kills, haha. then... movies, ate, laughs. It's all and all awsome. Think I gained the ten pounds I just lost with all that yummy fast food. Haha, even though Sonic wasn't very fast. I kept on missing the last step when going down the steps at my bros. I could and should have broken myself but I caught myself each time but once. Ehh, oh the pain. And Shadow, the doggy meets dog. She is a crazy dog, turned me into scar face for like a day and a half, still a little red after being pawed by her. I am listening to Toby Mac right now, he is friggin' shway. Lets see here.... chris also got me the book I have been looking for, Forever Odd by Dean Koontz. Its about this guy that can see the dead and tries to help them by finding their killer who kidnapped a loved one. Its pretty sweet, Elvis visits him a lot. Haha, I love how dead famious people are in his story. Like in Lightening, Hitler was in that book, still a bad guy only hitler is trying to time travel to the future to see if he can change what happens and win the war. Crazy? I know huh. Well Luke, to finish that tale would be something I will have to do, but right now my writing is not at all what it should be in order to continue it. So maybe in an hour or so, or in a few days, it all depends.
Ok, so I am going to end this entry and finish downloading cds.
~Peace out~


At 2:53 PM, Blogger JC said...

Hmm. Glad you had a good time in my state. Oh, and do you have a problem with Halo addicts?? I mean, if you mean that, your hurting Luke's feelings.........not mine.


At 3:08 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I know sheshe, I was talking about you when I said that, haha. It's all good though, I am never going to get used to it, but I don't get AS frustrated, hehe. I should probably write an entry about whats up with J-boy, yep yep. Allready sent you what I know.

Is it YOUR state jc? I am sure it has your name written all over it right? lol, sure. Yeah, I was refureing to Luke, eighty somethin' kills in one game is crazy. Tisk tisk, I am sure you will lower is scores to nothin' right eh?
haha, thanx for the comment


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